House rules & terms and conditions

To safeguard our guests and staff members we kindly ask you to abide by our house rules below while you’re staying or visiting us.


  • In the event of an emergency, always follow the instructions given by the staff members of Boutique Hotel Corona.
  • In the event of a fire, remain calm. Immediately inform reception and/or activate the closest manual fire alarm by breaking the glass.
  • When a general fire alarm is active, please exit the hotel via the nearest emergency exit. Do not use the elevators in case of fire.
  • Checking in and staying at our hotel is permitted for persons from 18 years and above. During check-in you are required to present a valid ID. Minors are welcome when accompanied by a travel companion of 18 years and above.
  • Boutique Hotel Corona is entitled to charge a deposit at any time.
  • Damages can be settled with the deposit (if this has been charged). More extensive damage will result in a fine that needs to be settled directly at the reception. If the fine is not settled directly, charges will be filed at the police.
  • You are only allowed to stay in the room with the number of persons indicated in your booking.
  • If you are staying with more than two persons (baby, child or adult) in the room, an extra (baby) bed has to be placed inside the room by Boutique Hotel Corona for which an additional fee will be charged. To comply with local fire safety regulations, we are required to facilitate an extra bed in all cases, even if a guest does not want to use it. Placing an extra (baby) bed is only permitted in our Superior Rooms and Junior Suites.
  • Cameras are installed in several public areas around and in the hotel. All hotel visitors and guests grant their permission to be recorded. If required, camera footage can be used internally for investigation and verification. All footage is handled conform GDPR and can be transferred to local authorities.
  • If transgressive behavior, unlawful conduct or behavior that endangers the safety of Boutique Hotel Corona employees and/or guests is observed by Boutique Hotel Corona employees, it will result in immediate removal from the hotel and denial of access.
  • Boutique Hotel Corona cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of personal belongings not placed in the in-room safe.
  • The room will be cleaned every other day as a minimum to comply with hygiene requirements.
  • Pets are not permitted. For service dogs there is a daily surcharge of €25,-.
  • All instructions given by staff members of Boutique Hotel Corona relating to the house rules, need to be followed. Comments can be reported at reception.

It is prohibited to:

  • Smoke inside the room. This includes e-cigarettes. Any violation will result in an additional cleaning fee. If a violation causes a fire alarm, all costs for the deployment of emergency services, as well as any other related damages will be charged. Sabotaging fire detectors by closing them with tape or impairing their operation in any other way can lead to eviction from the hotel as well as a fine.
  • Use drugs or being in the possession of drugs. Upon detection of drug use/drug possession, eviction will follow, with no refund of your overnight stay.
  • Possess weapons. Upon detection of the possession of weapons the police will be informed immediately and eviction will follow with no refund of your overnight stay.
  • Consume, use, traffic or possess narcotics (This includes whipped cream cartridges and nitrous oxide).
  • Unlawfully use emergency exits.
  • Take property of Boutique Hotel Corona outside of hotel premises. Taking away, or (willfully) damaging hotel property will always be reported to the police and you may be held liable for damages incurred
  • Polluting the room (willfully). If (willful) pollution is found, we are obliged to charge cleaning costs.
  • Cause a nuisance to others through loud music, excessive behavior or noise of any kind.
  • Occupy the room with more persons than stated in the booking.
  • Use open flame or sources of heat such as candles, burning incense, or other heat sources that can be a fire hazard.
  • Rent a room in your name without staying in the room yourself.

In all cases not covered by these regulations, the Front Office Shiftleader on duty will decide under the guidance of Management.

On behalf of the entire team at Boutique Hotel Corona, we wish you a pleasant stay. If there are any questions you can always contact our reception.

Download our terms and conditions